Possible living room design options in 2024

Возможные варианты оформления гостиной в 2024 году
How to furnish the living room in 2024: unusual ideas

It is the dream of many peoples to furnish the living room in an unusual and stylish way. After all, this room sets the tone for the entire interior, expresses the individuality and taste of the owners. Designers suggest moving away from template solutions and emphasize works of art, expensive furniture, exclusive accessories. This approach will turn a boring room into a unique space for creativity and intellectual leisure.

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Living room design options

First of all, you should decide on the style of the room. It is better to start from your own preferences in art and culture. For example, a person is fond of modernism. Then the interior will reflect smooth lines, muted color scheme, elegant furniture.

Someone prefers avant-garde? Then you can safely introduce non-standard shapes, bright color spots, contrasts of textures. Fans of classics are recommended to emphasize the harmony of proportions and restrained elegance.

Much attention should be paid to the artistic design. Here to help come works of modern visual art - installations, video art, photographs, paintings of bright representatives of modernism and postmodernism.

Such works will set a unique style, turn the interior into an art space and a point of attraction for guests. Special shelves, transformable partitions, mobile walls are perfect for their demonstration.

The role of furniture is no less important. It is better to refuse bulky cabinets and corner sofas. You should give preference to exclusive, author's models. Our furniture, for example, is characterized by bold silhouettes, bright fabrics, lush upholstery - a real decoration of the interior.

Exclusive things in neoclassical or baroque style will successfully complement the atmosphere. It can be carved chairs, inlaid boxes, massive sculptures, vases. Such items will give the living room, and any other room, a unique charm.

In general, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment with color, and with the materials of finishing, and with the filling of the living room.

Well, you can buy art-objects, exclusive furniture right here on our website.

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